I am a Wife to my prince, a Mama to my son and a daughter of God. I love my Jesus and as a result of that I want to leave a completely surrendered life to Him. This is hard but...God is merciful and teaching me so many things about what He has for me in my role as a young wife and Mama!
Hey all you fellow bloggers out there! Well, today it is raining! :p Yesterday was gorgeous though! OH MY WORD! Last night at Tae-kwon Do I tested for my blue belt (which means I am now a high rank with 5 ranks to go until I am a black belt and 5 ranks below me.) I was the hardest thing I have done in a looooonnnnggggg time! See, with a test they push you to the point physically where you think you can not go on and then once you get to the point...yeah it was tough and I almost cried but i passed and now me and abby and Jen a blue belts together! I am so excited! :) I will have to post some pics. So yeah, I was so tired after the test that I fell into bed at like 9:33 and slept till 9:00am. Now I am kinda sore but I have my blue belt! Sorry I was just rambling but I thought that maybe you would be interested in that :) lol :) Here are some pics (they aren't the greatest but hey they give the general idea!): Me doing basic motion...I was so wiped out I thought I was going to collapse! Breaking boards...this was the last part of my test...I was kind of in a fog! One of the hardest things I have ever done is testing alone! Let me explain what I meant by testing alone. All 4 of us kids have tested together for 5 ranks (yellow stripe, yellow belt, green stripe, green belt, and blue stripe.) Then Danny decided to retire from TKD and it was just us 3 girls. On Tuesday Abby and Jen tested for their blue belt w/o me! I was in a childrens lit class and had a break so I got to see them get their extra strips (they waited to get their actual blue belts with me). So I had to test alone of Thursday. Testing alone is harder because the instructer is focused on you and only you! Hence, it was very hard! lol :) THe whole time though I was just praying and repeating "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." That yeah, it was so neat when I was to the point where I truly thought I could not go on (they pushed me that hard) HE was my strength and helped me finish strong. We serve an AWESOME God! :) And here are us 3 girls getting our BLUE BELTS!!!!!!
Whew that took awhile! Blessings to you all!
That's great that you passed! It does look hard to test. But you are all halfway to the top now. Praise God for giving you strength, just as He promises. :) I'm praying for you! Love ya!
hey i found ur blog because i looking for the exact words of this quote u have posted... "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him to order to find her." i love it!!! and im really really trying to get myself to that point...but so easier said than done!!!
That's great that you passed! It does look hard to test. But you are all halfway to the top now. Praise God for giving you strength, just as He promises. :) I'm praying for you! Love ya!
hey i found ur blog because i looking for the exact words of this quote u have posted...
"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him to order to find her."
i love it!!!
and im really really trying to get myself to that point...but so easier said than done!!!
It is MUCH easier said then done! I will be praying for you :) I think it is one of those lessons that you learn your whole life!
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