Hey fellow bloggers!
I am now a (hopefully) Counselor-in-training and Bliss Summit Bible Camp! I will work probably 1 week and hopefully more if Mom and Dad will let me! I am soooo excited ab0ut this awesome oppertunity! My heart cry is for young girls ...this is such an oppertunity to glorify and honor the Lord! I really am praying that I will be a godly example of a young girl who lives (or trys to live, failing and falling MANY MANY times!:) for Jesus Christ. I want to make a difference in these girls lives. Please pray with and for me!
We went to Darien Lake yesterday. It was a lot of fun. Our friends just got back from a wedding . It is soooo incredibly nice to have them back. We really missed them.
At our youth group meeting on Friday night the leader was speaking about how he is so scared for "2nd generation christians" ,which would be teens my age, because so often we get so familer with Christianity...that we begin to detest it. I pray that I will never become too familer and comphy with my relationship with Jesus,yet, it is a temptation that we all face. He also spoke about loving the Lord with a fervant love. Do we have a fervant love for the Lord and the Bible and prayer? Or, is it just another "routine thing that we HAVE to do"? May it never be so with us but let us love the Lord.
" And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself."
Do we love God with all our hearts and souls and strength? Does it show...think about it. What movies do you watch...what music do you listen to... what words come out of your mouth? How do you treat others? What traits and qualities are you know by? Is it the fruits of the spirit:
Love , Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control?
Whew! that's a lot to think about! My challenge today...seek Him. He is not hard to find. Take that 1st step...you'll never regret it!
3 months ago
I had alot of fun too (stupid Mind Eraser). I am so glad to be back. I will be praying for you and the girls you will work with this summer.
See you on Sunday!!
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