Saturday, September 22, 2007

Whoa...Momentom 2007

Hey all you fellow bloggers out there!
Whoa...that is all I can say! God is so good! Amen? I have just gotten home from a God-anointed event called Momentom 2007. WOW! It is a cowboy event and featured the glory riders. God has been doing some amazing stuff and through the seeds that were planted He will continue to.
I was so blessed my a lady that I met there. Here name was Sue and it never ceases to amaze me how when you talk to someone that you have just met that is a sister/brother in the Lord it is like you have known them forever. She just really encouraged jenny and I in our walks with the Lord. Also, she really opened my eyes to the fact that I need to just be patient in the Lord. It was so neat just sharing with her all that the Lord had been teaching me. She had this really good point that she shared with me concerning my future husband. She said "Your husband is on the other side of those trees. Now, ask the Lord to set your feet on the path towards that. Ask Him to prepare you and just walk that path trusting HIM." WOW! I needed that. During the worship service I did that. I surrendered myself to the Lord's service right here where I am and just repented for my discontentment and distrust in Him. What a blessing. What a freedom! I have been rechallenged in my faith with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Has that happened to you lately? Ask God to challenge you in your relationship with HIM. He will and you will be so blessed my it! God bless you!
Ps: I got my celly! :)
Also, in the links is the Glory Riders website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Katy! that was so cool sharing your faith in the Lord! lol. Yeah, I guess that you can say that god has blessed me too, by giving me a second chance to date my first boyfriend again! Yeah, I'm so thrilled that I can have a second chance at dating him again! God is good!
God Bless Ya Katy!