I love the saying:
"You want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans." I was reading through my journal last night and I broke my foot on Saturday, November 1, 2008. Well almost 3 months later I thought that I was fine. I mean my foot hurt a bit after I got the walking cast off but I really did not think about it that much.
I thought that things were back to normal and while I knew that I needed to be careful, I started excercising again and doing things too soon. I thought it would be fine even when my foot started to hurt I would just wait it out and then go back to being active.
This went on for awhile; untill the pain started to get too much to bear...that is when I went back to the doctor. I had a million plans and then I learned that I probably had a stress fracture last week. Back came the boot (walking cast) and I was sent for a bone scan. THe bonescan took an entire morning. It was incredibly boring :) It was kinda cool though cause I had a good talk with the technicians. Anywho, so I went back to the doctors yesterday and found out that I do not have a stress fracture. Good news right?
Heh, then I found out that I had nerve damage.
Nerve Damage:
~Pain Medicine:
It knocks me out. I took a 3 1/2 hour nap today and woke up absolutely exhausted still! It dulls the pain though which is a good thing considering that last night I was in tears because it felt like my right foot from the knee down was on fire. It hurt worse then when I broke it!
~Walking boot is back on.
~Physical Therapy:
I loved it. I went for the 1st time today and they are all so nice and the Doctor gave me excercises to do 2x's a day which will help get back my strength, mobility and help with the pain.
~I have to ice it 3x's a day (whoops haven't done that yet)
~I am off work for 3 weeks. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That will be the hardest thing for me I think...most people would love it, but I have such a short attention span so it will be interesting.
So yeah, it was a rough day yesterday :-p I am happy though cause this means that I will be able to spend so much time with the Lord and with my family...It will be good :)
Oh, and you will probably be hearing from me alot in the next 3 weeks :-p
Blessings to you all!
3 months ago