Hey all,
So a for awhile before I turned 18 I strove to blog everyday. I think I am going to start that up again. My goal is to blog everyday until I leave for camp this summer. Why did I decide to do this? Well since I am at home for 2 more weeks I have been thinking ways to put my time to good use. Sadly, I have not been as good a steward of my time as I had hoped I would. I am the kind of person that does not do good without a scedule. Frankly, being at home for 3 weeks is a really really big challenge for me.
Last night at church Dad was teaching out of Ephesions 5:15-17:
"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit"
We had a very interesting discussion about how we needed to be making the best use out of our time until a: we are taken to be with the Lord b: we die.
The more we talked about it the more the Holy Spirit convicted me. One lady brought up an interesting point about verse 18 where it is talking about not being drunk with wine. She said that there are so many other things that we get "drunk" on. THings that get our focus of Christ, that get us thinking unclearly...things like whatever idols we put before the Lord. They can be innocent but if we have allowed them to take over our lives...then they need to go.
So I have covenented in my heart to make better use of my time; and that includes putting more into this blog. My dream is to reach many many people and encourage them in the Lord but also challenge them to have a more intimate relationship with Jesus. I realized that I can not challenge people in their walk with the Lord if I am not walking with Him as well.
Onto other news :)
I now have my own personal copy of "Fireproof" and it is a collector's addition! :) I love that movie (and the book based on the movie) by the way :) If you have not seen it I HIGHLY RECCOMEND IT!
Do you like my new look for the blog? It took me all day to do it! I love blogging can you tell?
I am off to bed! Blessings :)
3 months ago
1 comment:
Why are you going to camp? and what camp are you going to? oh and i like your blog layout. it looks so pretty.
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