What do I mean by that? Well, things have really just fallen into a pattern! Basically consisting of school, tae-kwon do, school, tae-kwon do, church, school...do you get the impression that school is a huge part of my existence right now? LOL :)
Wow, through all the "boring" day-to-day life the Lord has really just been working and working away at me. Mainly in the whole guy department...have you ever just stopped and marveled at how far the Lord has brought you in an area of your life? I have just been marveling on how the Lord has just really helped me learn contentment. I wanted to share a letter that I got from a lady which really just encouraged me to continue to just wait on the Lord:
From me:
That is really neat how you are content were you are especially with getting married...i have really been struggling with that! Being content being single :) It can be really hard...especially with my friends having guys and me having no one. I sometimes wonder what in the world is wrong with me. Lately though i have been getting closer to the Lord and that is why I think that I don't have anyone. Who knows what is going to happen with college anyway!
I am going to BBC and I will be majoring in women's ministries. My dream is to build a house for abused girls...I am really excited and kinda scared about the whole change...the culture is so different down there and I don't want to get down there and then start the whole crushes on guys thing...i want to go to get closer to the Lord (don't get me wrong, a guy wouldn't hurt! lol) but I know myself...i get obsessed! lol :-) I am a "hopeless romantic" in the words of my best friend. How did you meet your fiance'? Did you ever feel the way I do...?
Hope you have a good day! Blessings!
Ps: the cruise sounds AWESOME!!!! lol :)
From her:
Hey girl, I TOTALLY know where you're coming from...all my friends are married and/or parents by now - ever heard the term "always a bridesmaid, never a bride?" My life's theme up until this point. :O) Plus is doesn't help when you're a little older and everyone feels like it's appropriate to ask you, "so when are YOU getting married?" That has to be the dumbest question in the history of mankind...
Anyway, I definitely felt lonely much of the time. It was hard to find solace in the fact that it wasn't God's timing for ME, because it felt unfair...why God allows some women to be older and loveless is a question that I will definitely ask upon entering heaven, but I chose to make the most of it and not be hindered by the fact that I was single because realistically, you will get married. You will meet someone amazing and have babies and be a mom, a wife, and all that good stuff...but not yet. If you believe that God has good things in store for you (and He always does), then you can be confident and trust that your desires to be loved are nothing more than an incredibly normal emotion instilled by God Himself.
I always tried to think of my future children. That might sound silly, but what do I want to teach them and encourage them to become, especially if I have daughters? My mother married at 18 and I saw some struggles and a lack of identity...I never wanted to be like that, so I fought through it and refused to marry anyone other than someone who is my absolute best friend. He is everything and more I ever wanted, and I always tell people that if I knew guys like him existed, I would wait til I was 40 to get married! He is most definitely worth the wait.
You and everything about you will drastically change as you mature and experience new things...when girls get married so young, it's almost like they're not allowed to change and develop into who God really made them to be. Change is a good thing, especially when maturity enters the picture - you might have a change of heart in what you want to do with your life, you might want to relocate, travel, or do something that does not confine you to one place. I know some women who always had a "dream" of going to Africa - when they found out I was going, there was some intense jealousy goin' on...it was crazy, but I didn't have a husband and kids like they did. Their dreams could've been obtained, they just got hindered by the little things. :O) Sorry for writing a novel, but I feel so strongly about young women possessing the confidence to be what God intended. I have no regrets going into this marriage. I've done what I wanted to do, I've educated myself culturally and educationally, and I know where I stand spiritually, and I'll tell you, it's different (better) then when I was 18. I thought I knew so much about life, but I really didn't know anything at all! I see your maturity already, and I believe it will develop into something unstoppable through the years, but don't be afraid to challenge yourself and don't settle. Ever! Realize that you only live once, so do everything you want to do, and the man that God has for you will do everything he wants/needs to do to prepare himself for being a husband/father, and when you intersect paths, it will be a rockin' experience. Who knows, maybe he will want to open a shelter too. :O)
P.S. - Erik and I met at a young adult service at my church. I work at a large church in Williamsville. I moved up this way for many reasons, one being that there were "no good guys left in Batavia." Upon meeting him at this church, I asked him where he was from..."Batavia." Unbelievable! Where was he all the years I was searching IN Batavia! God has a sense of humor...and it's all about the right timing. :O)"
God truly does have a sense of humor :) He is so faithful! Well, I have to go to tae-kwon do...I have posted some new links especially for girls so check it out! Blessings to you all...
3 months ago
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