These questions kind of all stem from me pondering alot of things these past few days. One of the main things I have been pondering is what the difference is between being a "christian" young woman and being a set apart (for Christ) young woman.
What does it mean
To really live for Jesus
What does it mean
To abandon all else and pursue Him
What does it mean
When I say "I am completely surrendered"
What does it mean
To cry out in Jesus name
What is the difference
Between set apart and normal everyday
What is the difference
Between stay or going
What is the difference
Between living for or dying to self
When we say
"I am a Christian"
Do we really mean it
When we say
"I follow Jesus"
Is there a limit to where we'll go
When we say
"I gave it to Him"
Was it all or just a part
When we say
"I will die for Him"
Can we die to self each day
Yeah welcome to a little peek into my brain this past week :) God has really been doing some pruning and honestly I really believe that my breaking my foot was the best thing that has ever happened to me! (albeit the most painful :-p).
Blessings to you all!
3 months ago
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