WHAT A GREAT DAY! Lots of food and fun and time with family...plus just a time to remember how great our God is. Have you thought about that lately? Have you thanked Him for the fact that He has allowed people like my Grandma Case and Grandpa Vincent (1st pic) and Ella (2nd pic with Danny) to be examples in our lives? What are the examples in your life? Have you thanked them lately?
What about your immediate family? Have you thanked them lately for putting up with you on a day to day basis (lol). Truly family is one of the greatest things in the whole world...
And another thought, have you thanked Jesus for giving His all for you? For dying on the cross for you? For loving you that much?
Just a few thoughts from today :)
Blessings to you all and hope you are having a great thanksgiving! :) :) :)
WOW! Your hair is long! Hahahaha! I guess I shouldn't talk...yep, still haven't got a haircut yet...Joylynn (cousin from the land of Thai) french-braided it yesterday...pics coming soon! Your snowman is ALMOST as big as the one me and the other guys did last year.
WOW! Your hair is long! Hahahaha! I guess I shouldn't talk...yep, still haven't got a haircut yet...Joylynn (cousin from the land of Thai) french-braided it yesterday...pics coming soon! Your snowman is ALMOST as big as the one me and the other guys did last year.
Whoops, spazzy finger (I posted my comment twice)
SO before deciding to um...reply to the results of your spazzy finger (i got that you had posted your comment twice) I went over and saw your hair pics...uh yeah my comments on those pretty much sum it up but anywho YES you are catching up to me in hair length (does that bother you? probably not :-p)
The funny thing is that my hair didn't use to be that long at all in fact it used to be shorter then yours is now. I have been growing it out (duh) but since in most of the pics you have seen of me i have it back you haven't seen that yet. So I made you go wow...hmm...that works. :-p
SO before deciding to um...reply to the results of your spazzy finger (i got that you had posted your comment twice) I went over and saw your hair pics...uh yeah my comments on those pretty much sum it up but anywho YES you are catching up to me in hair length (does that bother you? probably not :-p)
The funny thing is that my hair didn't use to be that long at all in fact it used to be shorter then yours is now. I have been growing it out (duh) but since in most of the pics you have seen of me i have it back you haven't seen that yet. So I made you go wow...hmm...that works. :-p
Wow! I'm not the only one who has a spazzy finger!
I was hoping you wouldn't notice that and i made you say Wow again...i am on a roll :-p
Yeah, no kidding!
pssst...there's a new draft ready to be completed.
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