Happy 4th of July! We are going to fireworks tomorrow night (family tradition) so I don't really feel like I have had my "4th" yet (cause we all know w/o fireworks one can't celebrate hehe :p).
Today was a very good day! I got to spend the whole day one-on-one with a one year old! Now, to some of you that would sound like a nightmare come true BUT for me, I felt like I was in Heaven. I love kids and Jesse is so adorable and just has a sweet spirit. So yeah, it was a good day.
We went on this stroller ride (well, he rode, I pushed) and just as we were getting back to the house he started to fall asleep sitting up! Now, he had slept for at least 2 hours during his morning nap but it was around 5:30, so I guess that he felt as though he needed an evening nap. Well, I took him out of the stroller and went and rocked him then, since I was falling asleep, I took him and we went and laid on the couch and took a nap together!
I think that one of the most sweetest and amazing things in the world is when a baby is sleeping on your chest and in their sleep reaches up and wraps their arm around your neck...there is just something about a baby looking up and smiling/laughing at you when you come into a room OR getting up and toddling after you when you leave. There is just something about a baby whimpering and reaching up to be held when you set them down. There is just something about babies! Hehe, sorry, can you tell I love kids and want some of my own? :p
Anyway, here are some neat pics. from today...just thought I would share them with ya'll:
Verse of the day:
"1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
~Hebrews 12:1-2
Jesus did gave it ALL for us...what a humbling thought...what an AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!!!
Blessings to you all! ;)
I know what you mean about babies. I think if we just have a little patience, we might have some of our own yet! ;-) :-)
~Annie Oakley
Just a little patience huh? :) I can hardly wait to see which one of us in our circle of friends gets married and has kids 1st!
Awww, such a sweetie! He reminds me so much of "my" Aiden.
I am exactly the same about kids. What you said about them reaching for you are my thoughts exactly. I want to have kids of my own so badly!
Awww, such a sweetie! He reminds me so much of "my" Aiden.
I am exactly the same about kids. What you said about them reaching for you are my thoughts exactly. I want to have kids of my own so badly!
Aw Leanne, you will have dozens of kids. Well, maybe not dozens but you get my drift :p
I know how you feel wanting them. Whenever the Lord has us ready :)
Jesse is really cute! A lot like my sister Lydia! She does all those things you said. She always looks like she's smiling, too, even when she's not! Jesus gave babies that amazing ability to always be cute--no matter if they are smiling or screaming!
I know I haven't read your blog in a while, but I'm glad I did today! I wish I had close friends like you do!
~Melody from CT
I just saw your reply to my comment. Yep, whenever God has us ready, we will be moms! I can't wait!
I just saw your reply to my comment. Yep, whenever God has us ready, we will be moms! I can't wait!
Oops, I left it twice. Seems to be the theme on this post since I did the same up above!
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